Dutch Barn

Dutch Barn House

Sussex, UK, 2018-Ongoing

Adam Richards Architects won planning consent in 2022 for this new build house on the site of a former Dutch barn. The setting is part of a historic estate, and the design for the house engages with real and fictive histories: a metal-clad cross-laminated timber element takes a form inspired by traditional Sussex barns, whilst a sculptural stone element overlooks the valley, suggesting a ruined castle, retained as an eye-catcher in the 18th century, and now seemingly restored as a contemporary house.

West Elevation

Axonometric View

Corfe Castle

East Elevation

Sussex Barn on Stilts

South Elevation

Five Senses, Jan Brueghel the younger, 1617–18

Ground Floor Plan

West Elevation

Axonometric View

Corfe Castle

East Elevation

Sussex Barn on Stilts

South Elevation

Five Senses, Jan Brueghel the younger, 1617–18

Ground Floor Plan

West Elevation

Axonometric View

Corfe Castle

East Elevation

Sussex Barn on Stilts

South Elevation

Five Senses, Jan Brueghel the younger, 1617–18

Ground Floor Plan

The barn-like elements of the house sit beneath the branches of large oak trees, and entry is through the middle of a timber ‘barn door’. Once inside, an axis leads straight ahead to a large convivial dining table and kitchen, looking west over a sheltered courtyard. The axis continues into the main sitting room, dominated by a large circular window overlooking the valley beyond. The sitting room will feel like a great platform from which to look along the valley. Its ceiling rises up to make space for a hidden reading niche on a mezzanine above the fireplace.

The house is intended for use as a holiday accommodation, and is designed in such a way that it can be used either as a single six bedroom house, or as two separate houses: a four-bed and a two-bed. The interiors will be characterised by warm, natural materials, encouraging people to feel a kinship with the natural world.